a dog is one of the remaining reasons why some people can be persuaded to go for a walk. ~o.a. battista
It is pretty comfortable
2 thoughts on “It is pretty comfortable”
no way do you have that for the dog. no way! i’m so jealous!
I don’t think Tamale or Omo would fit, but if you want one now is the time to get the Solo model. Burley changed it for 2007 and some stores have the 2006 version on closeout. (Sorry I don’t know about Australia.) The main difference is the weight limit. 2006 is only rated up to 75lbs. (That makes me tired. I hauled the trailer with about 15lbs up the hill yesterday. I cannot imagine adding 60lbs.)
no way do you have that for the dog. no way! i’m so jealous!
I don’t think Tamale or Omo would fit, but if you want one now is the time to get the Solo model. Burley changed it for 2007 and some stores have the 2006 version on closeout. (Sorry I don’t know about Australia.) The main difference is the weight limit. 2006 is only rated up to 75lbs. (That makes me tired. I hauled the trailer with about 15lbs up the hill yesterday. I cannot imagine adding 60lbs.)