Producing a quarter pound of beef uses about 600 gallons of water. So every time you choose a veggie burger instead of a hamburger you’re saving lots of water and other resources and preventing the release of greenhouse gases.
Category: environment
water carbon footprint global warming human impact
Pueblo Biodiesel
B20 is now available to the public at Acorn Petroleum, 400 S. Santa Fe Ave, 719-542-5479. Biodiesel pump is on north side of building. Go in side door and ask to have pump reset. They plan to accept credit cards at the pump island in the future. Price about 10% more than regular diesel.
Contact Richard Strah for more information. Blue Sun Links to Colorado Biodiesel Press Releases.
Drought News
When you step outside into more than 3 feet of snow it is hard to believe there’s a drought. But drought continues and about half of the entire U.S. is affected, including much of the southeast and midwest. This March was the warmest in 110 years of record keeping in the southwest. Even with some areas receiving record precipitation in April, the drought is expected to continue in most of the west at least through July. More at the Drought Information Center.