I think Barack Obama must be so tired of hearing that. It totally minimizes who he is, and the personal preparation he has done, and organization he has created to win the Presidency and subsequently run the country. Barack Obama is NOT anybody. He has unique talents and has spent his life educating himself and taking on experiences to make himself into a person who is qualified to be President. Yes, I understand the phrase as a mantra to inspire children. And it can be argued that the racial barrier to the Presidency has been broken for African-Americans…if not for women or Hispanics or Asian-Americans. But please, give the man some credit! Obama’s election does not mean that now “anybody can be President.”
Category: politics
Bail out commercial real estate developers??
All the recent bail-outs are deeply disturbing. It is appalling and embarrassing that our government has found trillions of dollars to bail-out people who live in big homes and drive nice cars; basically have every modern convenience and luxury; while there are minimal funds to help people who are living in their cars or on the street, no money for universal healthcare, and public education programs suffer from lack of funding. Our country’s priorities are frightening, if not downright disgusting. Do they really reflect the priorities of the voters, or do voters just make fundamentally poor decisions when electing people to carry out their priorities?
Dennis Kucinich for Sec of Agriculture
YouTube Kucinich talks about veganism in LiveStrong interview
Melissa Etheridge and Dennis Kucinich on YouTube
NY Times Special Edition
This special edition of The New York Times comes from a future in which we are accomplishing what we know today to be possible.
Check out this spoof of the NY Times, dated July 4, 2009.
It’s not just a spoof of the front page. The story links work. Don’t miss the “Most Popular” article links on the story pages.