Roller cleaning 101

Kreitler Poly-Lyte RollersYou’ve probably wasted a lot of time lately wondering how you’re ever going to get those rollers clean. If so read on …

This morning while I was changing the belt on my rollers I was inspired to go after the tire gunk as well. I tried ski wax solvent, soap and water, Windex, Super Green, and acetone. All of them got some stuff off, but none of them was the magic potion. I was about to try Comet, but decided to write to Kreitler instead.

This is their response:

The Kreitler drums will get a buildup of tire rubber on them over time from normal use. We do recommend that you use a standard household degreaser such as simple green. You may need to use a soft bristle brush with the degreaser to remove the built up rubber. Please ensure that the product you choose is a non-abrasive cleaner, as it may scratch up your rollers.

Since I didn’t want to splatter Simple Green all over my bedroom I used a Scotch Brite pad rather than a brush. Not sure if that qualifies as non-abrasive, but my rollers are as shiny as new. : )

By coincidence, I learned that Simple Green works pretty well for cleaning the carpet underneath the rollers too.

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