Not much training lately

New trick

Bonnie’s new trick.

I haven’t felt much like writing this week. Between compartment syndrome and stress fracture, it seems like my whole year is shot … at least as far as ultras. Mostly, I just love being out on the trails with my dog and that doesn’t look like it is going to happen anytime soon. And it’s hard to get motivated to train if Bonnie is not an active participant.

No real running (or walking for that matter) in nearly 4 months! I’m beginning to question whether I should think of myself a runner at all. (Of course, many people would question that just because I am so slow.) Realistically I don’t see how I can try another 100 this year (if ever) and possibly no 50’s. Then again being on DL may be a good thing for the compartment syndrome. 16 weeks since that injury and I still have numbness in my leg.

The good news, it’s Frisbee season and, though her endurance and fitness are way down, lack of exercise has made Bonnie more motivated than ever to play.

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