Something else to keep me busy

gBallzIn addition to my recent keyboard layout change, I have been trying to improve my juggling skills since March. I’d say juggling, by itself, is around a 5 on my scale of difficulty. In the last couple of days I’ve started practicing while “watching the road” instead of the balls. I am hoping by the time I can run again I can try joggling a 5k.

Just your average joggler has good information about the benefits of juggling and joggling, as well as links to some good learn-to-juggle references.

4 thoughts on “Something else to keep me busy”

  1. Great work! If you’re able to “watch the road” instead of the balls your juggling is better than a 5. Keep up the great work and let us know how the joggling 5K goes.

    Great job with the blog too. The quotes, the graphics, the writing. You’ve inspired me to improve my blog layout. Thanks!

  2. improve the juggling skills? so you already could? i can’t get beyond the 2 balls and you’re doing 3 while jogging? i’m starting to get bitter.

  3. Perry, that is quite a complement coming from you. I think you have one of the best blogs out there. You always have something interesting to post about running/joggling. Your posts about the benefits of juggling really motivate me to practice. Here is a strange thing. I seemed to have had an immediate improvement in my juggling ability after the first few hours of trying to learn Colemak.

  4. Toast, my dad taught my sister and I juggling basics when we were just little kids. Juggling always reminds me of him. But I could never make it more than a couple revolutions until recently. Start with the Wildcat Juggler’s link under Juggling Resources on Perry’s blog. BTW, juggling makes people smarter and I am hoping to juggle enough to be able to someday work on my post graduate degree at Queensland University.

    …not while I am jogging, yet.

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