Afternoon visitor

Seeing a skunk is not that rare, though I’ve seen more bears. I think this one, that Bonnie spotted wandering around the driveway and yard, was the same we saw while walking a few weeks ago about a mile from the house.

On that day Bonnie got pretty close, but fortunately came when I called her. Another dog wandering the neighborhood was not so lucky. It was interesting to watch. The skunk did not spray right away. The dog, a puppy, taunted it for about a minute before the skunk got fed up with the game.

If I was braver I probably could’ve gotten better photos. I hope it doesn’t take up residence under the deck. I guess I’ll pick up some moth balls next time I’m in town.


2 thoughts on “Afternoon visitor”

  1. Moth balls HELL skunks are about the cutest things on earth. You could probably get it to eat right out of your hand… of course Bonnie would have to be cooler than any dog can be. BUT that is one thing I really miss about Vermont. Skunks. We really don’t have many in Portland and obviously there are none in marsupial land. Cute marsupials but no skunks… though I have this shampoo I use L’Occitane Lemon Verbana that actually smells a little like skunk.
    Got stalked by some emus over my trip to the coast. Wish I had my camera for that. And BTW shooting skunks is what telephoto lenses are for.

  2. I’m guessing it’s been awhile since you de-skunked a dog late at night! : ) Yes, this was a cute skunk. I just don’t want it to live under my house. Supposedly they don’t like the smell of moth balls. As far as I know it’s true. Many years ago I had skunk(s) living under the deck and placed some moth balls nearby and they moved away. Then again, moth balls don’t smell any better than skunk spray. You need to visit for skunk watching. I’ve seen this girl and/or her petite tracks all over the neighborhood this winter.

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