Not anything radical, but a little different approach.
Note: It you are interested in reading the whole article, my guess is the link below will only work for a short time.
Not anything radical, but a little different approach.
Note: It you are interested in reading the whole article, my guess is the link below will only work for a short time.
This Saturday, June 9, USRowing and Concept2 sponsor National Learn to Row Day.
Craftsbury Sculling Center in Vermont has two Learn to Row sessions scheduled. See their web site to find out how to participate.
For more information and a list of NLTRD clubs and sculling centers, as of April 25, see USRowing’s NLTRD page or contact a rowing center or club in your area.
In addition to my recent keyboard layout change, I have been trying to improve my juggling skills since March. I’d say juggling, by itself, is around a 5 on my scale of difficulty. In the last couple of days I’ve started practicing while “watching the road” instead of the balls. I am hoping by the time I can run again I can try joggling a 5k.
Just your average joggler has good information about the benefits of juggling and joggling, as well as links to some good learn-to-juggle references.
Nothing involving my foot for three weeks? I don’t know if I can do it, but this should keep me busy….Colemak. More later …