I am going to friggin’ die.

“Well, of course!” you’re thinking. I mean sooner rather than later, Einstein.

While snow fell outside my window, I was convinced to try Furnace Creek this year. The arm-twisting went down something like this:

“Why don’t you ride the 508 this year?”


Now that I have had more time to think about it, I know that I am going to friggin’ die. Not during the race, though it would be the hardest thing I have ever done. I am going to die just training for this. Sure I rode 200-300 miles a week for a few seasons and raced a little (20 years ago!!), but I never got around to doing a century and my longest single ride was only 90 miles! My longest ride last year?? 28 miles!!! Like I said, I am going to friggin’ die … of saddle sore induced infection if nothing else.

There is always the chance I won’t even get in. I’ll know in May or June, but I have to start training now. At least fear is a good motivator.