I am going to friggin’ die.

“Well, of course!” you’re thinking. I mean sooner rather than later, Einstein.

While snow fell outside my window, I was convinced to try Furnace Creek this year. The arm-twisting went down something like this:

“Why don’t you ride the 508 this year?”


Now that I have had more time to think about it, I know that I am going to friggin’ die. Not during the race, though it would be the hardest thing I have ever done. I am going to die just training for this. Sure I rode 200-300 miles a week for a few seasons and raced a little (20 years ago!!), but I never got around to doing a century and my longest single ride was only 90 miles! My longest ride last year?? 28 miles!!! Like I said, I am going to friggin’ die … of saddle sore induced infection if nothing else.

There is always the chance I won’t even get in. I’ll know in May or June, but I have to start training now. At least fear is a good motivator.

Grand Teton 100

2006 Grand Teton 50 Mile FinishThe 2006 Grand Teton 50 was my first ultra. This is a beautiful course and we had perfect weather last year. It is also great to be able to walk from your hotel room to the start line. If you have family or friends who want to come support there are lots of opportunities for them to see you right at the base aid station. Honestly though, the volunteers at this race are so great you really don’t need crew. I can’t wait to try the 100.